THE HAPPY CROSS MINISTRIES "CHURCH"  --  What is it? Is it a building?  Is it a place where people gather to worship?  Is it a religious belief or denomination?  
          If you look in an English dictionary under the letter “C”, somewhere between “chocolate” and “cider”, you’ll find the word “Church," This is an English term that has many different definitions. How we understand and perceive the Church is key to determining how we live out our faith.
          Due to these varying dictionary definitions, today's modern term “Church” is routinely muddled or confusing. Some of that ambiguity occurs because the English term “Church” did not originate from the Greek word "ekklesia" -- a word which did not, and could not, carry all of the varying English term definitions. Instead, the term ekklesia has always referred to the "Church" in terms of "God's people which He has assembled or gathered out of the world ... those who assemble in God's name."

          The New Testament Bible constantly refers to the “Church” in relational terms, e.g., 1) the relationships between God and his people;  2) the relationships among God’s people; and  3) the relationships between God’s people and others (i.e., non-believers). In this context, a “Church” is not a place; it's not a building; it's not a location; nor is it a denomination. The "Church" is God's people, ergo: you, me, we ...

          Canon Ernest Southcott best described the Happy Cross Ministries "Church" when he said:  "The holiest moment of the church service is the moment when God’s people—strengthened by preaching and sacrament— leave the service and go into the world to be the Church. We don’t go to Church; we are the Church!"  -

1. Our Ministry
R.C. "Chuck" Foster
Founder, Administrator
and Senior Chaplain

Happy Cross Ministry is a recognized non-profit, tax exempt Church pursuant to Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).Tax I.D number is 20-2057396.
For IRS Church-related tax-exempt classification details, see pages 3-4 at
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"A cheerful heart makes the face HAPPY"  -- Proverbs 15:13 NIV
"Through God's mercy we have this MINISTRY, and do not lose heart." 
  - 2 Corinthians 4:1 NIV
HAPPY CROSS MINISTRY is non-denominational.  It's doctrine reflects fellowship as an expression of God's (Agape) love and forgiveness which is greater than any differences which may exist -- a doctrine built upon a Biblical foundation that includes there being one God and living a peaceful, helpful, honest and otherwise Godly life. 

HAPPY CROSS MINISTRY is based upon a God-like life having six basic purposes:

               Worship ... Discipleship ... Fellowship ... Ministry ... Evangelism and Faith
THE NAME AND CROSS GRAPHIC identifies two scriptural passages:
Happy Cross Ministriestm
... a cheerful heart makes the face  HAPPY!
Proverbs 15:13 NIV