Better a storm with God than 
smooth waters without him!
THE HCM DAILY PRAYER:  "Dear God, I ask that you continue to bless me and that you enlarge my life with challenges that allow me to make a difference in your name. I ask that your hand come with these blessings and that they be used according to your will; that you give me the strength and wisdom to recognize and be able to resist and deal with life's Evil. Help me to be forgiving, honest, just, kind, and that I not be the cause of pain to others.  Amen!"

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT:   Did you ever think that one of the most significant aspects of our mission in the world is simply being there? 
        The Apostle Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 when he gives thanks to God - someone who leads us in triumphant procession and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma for those who are experiencing God, and those who are perishing. To the the aroma is that of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.
        Part of our mission is consciously telling people about God. Another part of it is unconsciously telling people by our acts and omissions. 
        This is the part of our mission that goes on all the time, and one of the reasons God wants us out in the world and not isolated or only associating with believers. God has us on parade and is meant by this “triumphal procession.” 
        Now some of you are already saying, “Wait a minute!  I’m not returning from battle. I don’t think I’ve been very victorious lately. 
        And what’s more, I don’t like parades, much less being in one!”  
        I don't either.  Besides, this is not that kind of parade. This isn't you marching through your office leading the worship band. 
        This is a thing between you and God. It’s God in you carrying on a relationship with God through your life and affecting everyone around you as a result. 
        It’s you and I living our lives of faith out in the world where it will have an effect on those who come into contact with us. This is not putting on airs: this is being who we are as people of faith.
        Did you know that living your life out in the world, loving God and God-like fellowship as best as you can is a very powerful thing?  
        It truly is! That’s why you can have a sense of mission about what you do in the world. You are not just getting by. 
        You are, at whatever stage of faith that you find yourself, putting God on display, and people will react to you based on what they see of Him. 
        So whatever you’re about to do today, be conscious about your relationship with God, and you will unconsciously leave a positive mark on others. 

Happy Cross Ministriestm
... a cheerful heart makes the face  HAPPY!
Proverbs 15:13 NIV